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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Perfect Workout Partner

I am excited to report that I am well on my weigh with my exercise plan! In the past, I approached exercise as a chore--you know something to get done as quickly as possible. I had in my head the amount of time I was going to workout and I never did a minute more. In most cases, I would wind up doing a lot less. Lately, however, I have adopted a new mindset. Instead of dreading my workout and trying to rush through it, I decided to take my time and actually enjoy it.

To do this, I decided that I needed some support...a new workout partner. I needed a partner that was supportive, encouraging and non-judgmental. I needed a workout partner that would listen to me, that would calm all my fears and soothe all my doubts. I needed a workout partner that undertood my innermost feelings and who I knew would have a plan for me. I thought about all of the loving and supporting people in my life, but no one quite fit the bill. Just as I started to feel disappointed, someone came to mind!

I have turned my daily workout into a time to meditate on and fellowship with the Lord--my new workout partner. I play a good gospel CD and I let my mind focus on the message of the music. Instantly, I feel invigorated and encouraged. I imagine myself living the life I want to live. I imagine myself reaching my goals--weight-related and otherwise. I think about how far I have come, how blessed I am and how the Lord is working out every detail of my life to perfection. Before I know it, fourty, fifty, sixty minutes have passed. I usually have such a great time that I have to pull myself away.

The good news is, my new workout partner is available to everyone. Invite Him to join your workout and I am sure you will see success beyond your imagination!

1 comment:

  1. Amen. One of the things I try to remind myself when trying to lose weight and maintaining a healty diet is that "My body is his temple" and when I remind myself of this it helps keep me motivated to continue to workout and eat healthy to restore my body back to the temple in which it was intended. It helps me to realize that we are wonderful and beautifully made by God and he dosesn't nor should we appreciate some of the things that we do to our bodys with the things we put in it and the lack of activity to keep our bodys healthy. So while working out or while choosing what to eat, just think to yourself our body is his temple.

    In a more deeper aspect, think of a your church home, would you want to be affiliated with a church that is disgusted and corroded looking filled with waste? No because that's not how a temple of God should look lol...That's another way to look at!
