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Monday, August 3, 2009

The Consistency Challenge

I have come to realize that when trying to accomplish anything, consistency is key. This is especially true with weight loss. You must consistently eat well and exercise. This is where many of us fall short. We are working towards our goal, then we have a bad day. The bad day turns into a bad week and next thing you know, you are way off course.

In some cases, its not the bad days that get us. It's the good days. You know--you work out really hard all week and you are feeling great! What better way to celebrate your accomplishments than your favorite food. Then one thing leads to another and you are back in your old rut. I know, I know...all things in moderation. It is not bad to treat yourself every now and again. But for me, if I start practicing "moderation" too soon, it becomes a slippery slope away from my goals.

Perhaps the reason why so many of us struggle with consistency is that we aren't honest with ourselves. Knowing full well that we hate exercising and have not exercised in years (if ever), we try to commit ourselves to exercising for an hour a day. Less than a week into it, we become overwhelmed and miserable so we give up. That has definitely been the case with me!

So I am starting something new. Instead of focusing on exercising for an hour, I will simply focus on exercising consistently for the next 30 days. I will do a basic 20 minute/1 mile workout six days a week. My only goal is to get my body used to exercising. Any pounds lost will be an added bonus.

I would like to encourage all of you to take what I am calling the "consistency challenge". Maybe you are also trying to lose weight. Maybe you are just trying to stop overspending. Whatever your goal, select one small step towards it and practice consistency for the next 30 days. For added accountability, share your consistency goal with others. Make it your Facebook status, send it as a text to a few close friends, you can even post it here as a comment. There is something truly powerful about sharing your goals with others. Not only does it inspire them, but it motivates you to stick to it. Since I started this blog, I have felt more committed to my weight loss goal. I feel like there are people out there rooting for me and counting on me to reach my goal.

I definitely feel like I am truly "on my weigh" and I look forward to reading your comments and hearing all about your consistency goals. I wholeheartedly believe that together we can all live our dreams!

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